Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Weston Joseph Filipovitz

Update...this is his first picture on June 10th....

Weston Joseph Filipovitz was born June 9, 2009 @ 11:16pm...7 lbs 8 oz...21 inches...He has a head of black hair. I'll post more pictures later today or tomorrow of his first day in the world...And Weston looks just like his Dad :)

This picture was taken after the first hour of labor...we took one every hour---for 16 hours! Don't worry, I'm not going to post all 16 pics...each one gets progressively worse, ha.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


We went to the Doctor this morning...Exciting appears that we will be inducing on Tuesday, June 9th! ! ! The due date! They said they aren't worried about my health, or the baby's, but in their words, "It's time". So, the option to induce has been put on the table and we accepted it with open arms. We will be heading to Centennial Women's Hospital at 5:00am on Tuesday morning to get the labor started. There is still hope that baby will want to make an appearance before Tuesday...but if not, we know that Tuesday will be his birth day!!

Thank you to everyone...especially those of you who have been a part of this journey the entire time. We love you and appreciate you so much!

When we blog again, we'll be parents! Ahh!! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

39 Weeks Along....1 Week To Go

Carson came to Nashville! He came on Saturday and left today :( Time definitely passed more quickly while he was here. Thank you for coming, Brother! It was so nice to have him here and take my mind off of the waiting game I'm playing. We didn't do too much, as most things are off limits to me, ha...but we grilled, watched movies, played board games, was SO nice. The picture above was taken at Loveless Cafe on Sunday...I'm just holding a little post-it that says 39 weeks so we'll be able to tell down the road how far along I was when the picture was taken. I wish I'd done this every week---when I look back at my pictures over the pregnancy, I wonder how far along I was when it was taken...

The 7 day countdown to our due date has begun. 7 days! Amazing...although it's only a week away, it appears Baby Flip still doesn't want to make his appearance. I hope he comes before/by the due date...but I'm realizing he may stay in the comfort of my tummy up to a week after. The light at the end of the tunnel is based on my Dr's words..."I don't want him to stay in there too long after the due date, a week maximum." So, at least we know that by the 16th of June, we will have a baby...and no later. Yay!
We go back to the Dr on Thursday...I'll post an update after the appointment. Have a great week!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Dr's Appt Update

We went to the Doctor yesterday---everything is looking fantastic! Baby boy is still gaining weight and weighed in at 6 lbs 9 oz. He's still head down and looking to come any day now! Although I'm still not dilating, everything is in place and ready for labor/delivery. We're hoping he comes sooner than later... Otherwise, our next appointment is Thursday, June 4th.

Superstitious anyone? The next full moon is on June 7th...if he hasn't come by then, maybe the wonders of the world will coax him out---Let's hope so!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

14 Days Until EDD...

Just 2 weeks until the little guy is scheduled to feels like a million years! I am hoping he comes earlier---I mean, today would be just fine with me. It's getting harder and harder to move around...a simple trip to the grocery store now takes three times as long as it normally would. Sleeping has become a task...between trying to get comfortable, countless trips to the bathroom, and the billion anxiety thoughts running through my mind, the hours of sleep are dwindling. Can you tell I'm ready? :)

We go back to the Doctor Thursday morning for another ultrasound and weekly check up. We're pretty anxious to see how much he's grown since the last time he was measured (2 weeks ago).

It's been so rainy and humid here in Nashville---I must say, I'm really glad he'll be here in the beginning of the summer so I'm not in my final weeks throughout the hot months of July and August.

I'm sure he'll be here before we know it...the nursery is ready, the bags are packed, the house is in order---we've got everything except a baby!

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers--We're ready to bring a little boy into the world!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

37 Weeks...he's coming any day now...hopefully!!!

3 weeks until our EDD. Every Mom has told me the entire time, "The last month is the hardest...time creeps by". This is an understatement!! I guess I didn't really understand what they were saying considering I thought by the time I was 7 months that time was creeping by. Oh no! I was wrong! Every day feels like a week to me...I'm totally enjoying and LOVING being, cleaning, organizing...doing things that I know I won't have time to do when he gets here...painting, cleaning out my closet, and did I mention organizing? I am constantly walking around the house and moving things....I can't seem to find the perfect spot for each item. Some Moms have said that they didn't experience nesting and some Moms said they nested for weeks...I, apparently, have a severe case of this thing called nesting...ha...

Our bags are packed and in Eric's car. We are all set to head to the hospital when it's time. My Mother joked with me and said when we get to the hospital it's going to seem as if we're checking into a hotel for a week instead of a couple night's stay at a hospital because of all the stuff we are taking, haha. Well, I have a clothes bag...Eric has a clothes bag...we have a bag of snacks, iPod player, pillows, etc...the baby's diaper bag with his belongings....So, yes, I suppose we have about 4 bags we're taking and it probably will appear as if we're moving into the Women's hospital when we arrive :)

We are so excited for our little man to make his appearance...every day is a day of waiting and the anxiety is killing me! What will he look like? Who will he look like? What color hair and eyes will he have? We just can't wait to see him and hold him!